Community Forum |
Unpaid and unsolicited community postings and opinions. These postings are solely the opinions of the author(s). |
Thanks to Gerry, Roger, I, & all the concerned West Marin Stage Coach Riders that attended the meeting, we had many opinions/input, in reference to the need for change and improvement of the: Stage Coach Service; Route additions; Environment friendly innovations. Questions and points, lingereing in the back of my mind all the attendees that attended the meeting were answered and addressed, by the three officials of the Marin StageCoach. Thank you, Roger for your 3 talking points+, I did not know that Santa Clara, in the midst of the Silicon Valley was more progressive on alternate energy vehicles than, "Green Holistic Marin". Fuel Cell battery operated transportation vehicles, please email me your insiders knowledge on this amazing innovation & how the usage of fuel battery vehicles compare to the Stages, newly ordered & already obsolete polluting mass transit vehicles used here in West Marin. Also, your advocacy for the Stage being included in the 511 transit info. hotline, the excuse given that the Stage was not includable because it was considered a shuttle, not a true bus carrier and too small a service. ha! ha! The Stage Coach riders need 511 inclusion, since according to your experience their Stage information operators, have not been trained to be able to coordinate whereabouts of the individual stages on their routes and pose a blank on other vital Stage info. Those talking points I will have posted to the Stinson Beach Community Network. Gerry, great points, thanks for your contribution to the assemblage, reiterating your 1st hand experience of seeing wheel chair bound would be Stagecoach Riders. being turned away from being transported, due to the full capacity of the Stagecoach. That elicited Amy Van Doren to enunciate the Stagecoach policy of Democracy in Action, when the Stage is Full, the riders decide amongst themselves who gets to ride, them or the not so lucky want to be riders. Did I get that right, Amy? Please advise. Amy, continued to inform that pickups of ADA persons, off the beaten route of the Stage, within 3/4 of a mile, can be arranged by a 24 hr. reservation requests in advance. What a great innovation in mass transportation policy, for the benefit of disabled individuals. Most of the residents in Stinson Beach, where the age median, is in the mid 50's, can look forward to that perk. You also, must send an email, to me, detailing your talking points, how to improve the service and reliablilty of the Stagecoach..Oops! If you know the lady’s name, that exposed the need of the Residential Community of the Bolinas Mesa, to have service in the most populated residential area in Bolinas, as well as stopping at the new Bolinas Medical Center on Mesa Rd., please send me her name & email if you have it..Her advocacy, was touching and made complete sense, the inhabitants of the Mesa, have to drive their cars and park them in the Commercial District of Wharf Road and connected Brighton Road, to board the Stage at the designated pickup spot, in front of the Bolinas Gas Station..Which contributes to a inner BoBo mess, using up commercial businesses customer parking places & contributing to car density in the downtown & residential parking of Brighton. As well as, not fulfilling the agenda for the creation of the Stage, promotion towards lessening individual car usage and pollution in SW Marin & thier individual destination points. Cutting it short, their were many other questions, contributions of those eager to improve the service and their experiences with the Stage, as well as the Security issue of the after hr. parked Stages in Bolinas, are they safe? Have they been taken by past drivers on "Joy Rides' after hours Should someone other than the drivers be responsible to collect keys and distribute them in the morn back to drivers.. Thank you Amy Von Doren[W.M.Stage Coach Superintendent, no relation to Mamie], Susan Bourguignon[County of Marin Information Specialist?], Krystalyn O'Leary[W.M. Stage Coach, Marin Operations Manager] for a very informative meeting w Stinson Beach and Bolinas Community participation and input at the Stinson Beach Community Center, Please, get back to me by email, with the lists of talking points and suggestions from the meetings in Muir, Stinson & Point Reyes.Center, I will have them posted for the benefit and input of all those that missed the community involvement meetings. Thank you Stinson Beach Community Center Mangement for extending the use of .the well lighted/ clean/ warm and newly renovated and retrofitted Center for the Stage Coach Community Involvement Meeting. John Posadas, SBCCommerce, 415 868-1330 |
Thomas, for further info. on how the SBCCommerce advocates, organizes info., manages to present a united front for the merchants in SW Marin and reacts to unfavorable publicity in regard to issues that need to be addressed that affect our local commerce, see: Marin I.J. article published, Sunday, Nov. 12, front page, "Coastal Detour", by Mark Prado; Marin I.J. article published Tues. Nov. 21,'06, front page, "Closed for Repairs", by Mark Prado; Marin I.J. article published, Tues. Nov.28th, '06, "West Marin faces a long 3 mos.", C6, Opinion, Editorial, [my personal opinion was that this was a retraction due to email I sent I.J., titled, Exam and Critique of I.J. article, published Tues. Nov. 21,'06, "Closed for Repairs", by Mark Prado. Otherwise, I hope that the story, that you are putting together for publication in the Point Reyes Light, has reflects the agenda that the SBCC exists for: promoting the general benefit of Commerce here in SW Marin, especially for the businesses owned, managed and staffed by resident retirees and owners that live in the community, operate their businesses for the benefit of all those that live in SW Marin and specific community they reside in, whether that be in Muir Beach, Stinson Beach, or Bolinas..There are many individuals that keep our specific communities alive and interesting to the residents as well as out of town visitors, for example the Historical Society of Stinson Beach, put together by a well meaning set of oldsters, that are having their annual bash today, the Stinson Beach Historical Society Luncheon, attended by the geriatric set of all the community of SW Marin..Their agenda, in the opinion of the SBCCommerce, is to instill pride in our Community, of the past, remembrances of those that have come before us, that have made contributions to posterity, as well as inventoring a massive amount of pics and historical data of the area of SW Marin...Come today, take note of the accomplishments of the Historical Society, their accumulations of data, exhibits[Stinson Beach Library], general wellness instilled in the attendees[mostly over 65], great luncheon...John Posadas, SBCC, 415 868-1330...P.S. Another area of concern: Much to inform you on- flood of Dec. '05, continued potential negative impact on businesses here in Stinson Beach, from Flood Potential of Easkoot Creek and, "The Slide"..., septic field flooding health and safety hazards. |
Letter from Barbara Maurer/ John Wooley John- Thanks for keeping the ball rolling. I am copying the email I got from John Wooley back in September down below. He is a consultant for the county Department of Public Works and is reporting to Tracy Clay. His email addresses your questions about why they didn't clean the Arenal Bridge and how much did they had permits to take at the glory holes. If you do the math it's about 100 yards of material. This is little more than a stopgap measure. The county is working on obtaining an annual permit to clean the bridges like this, but currently none exists so there is no guarantee of future cleaning. We use the word "cleaning" not "dredging" because dredging would be harmful to the creek and cleaning out is done with lots of thought as to the ecosystem the creek supports and the fish habitat. It's a much gentler process. The creek actually flooded at all bridges. The most damage was done on Pinos, Pradero and Arroyo because these are the low spots with the lowest lying houses. Sierra residents used boats to get to their cars and Calle del Onda almost had water through to the ocean I understand. Not clearing at the Arenal Bridge will surely flood the Parkside and Park and Shakespeare at Stinson and flow onto Pinos. Note: most of these areas had flooding in December 2005 just a little less severe. This has been building up since the county stopped cleaning out the creeks in 1997 (public record). The state hasn't responded to anything yet regarding slide mitigation. The flood advisory board Zone 5 has no meetings scheduled and no communication with the community. The county is "studying something" that is probably eating into our pool of funds. No one is sure what. Supervisor Kinsey met with a group of concerned residents back in February to say there was nothing he could do. Said his hands were tied. GGNRA (Federal Park) The creek restoration project in the park was washed out and the unstaked logs and debris flowed down the creek to the residential streets. No cleanout was done on the long stretch of the creek through the Federal Park. No relief there The applications for FEMA matching funds to raise houses only went to select houses, not sure how those houses were selected. Most likely none of the applications will be selected as they only have 15 million to award and well over 100 million in applications before ours were submitted. It still doesn't solve the larger problem of health issues from septic overflow and safety from inaccessibility of emergency vehicles and personnel to stranded residents. Also, drinking water lines are attached under the bridges and they are in danger of being dislodged. About 400 homes/business's are affected. Anything else? Barb ******************** September 18,2006 Hi Barb: You're welcome. No, we are not cleaning at Arenal this time. It is a different task than at the other locations; deeper, poor access. bank stability problems, regulatory and environmental issues, etc. We do plan on looking at some more permanent fix here but this will be a long term project (aren't they all?). Maybe you could help us out. We have been asking around about whether or not the creek overtopped at Arenal last winter. So far the answer has been either "I don't know" or "No, it did not." Do you have any info on this? We estimate by looking at the site. More will be taken out at Pradero than the other sites because it did not get the winter cleaning the others did. We don't want to go so deep as to destabilize the banks and we don't want to widen the channel or go to far up/downstream so it is pretty easy to estimate; something like a yard deep by two wide by five long (up and downstream) = 1x2x5x2= 20 yds per crossing. That's two or three truck loads. I had hoped to be around when the sediment removal is done but I may be out of town. I will be here this week but then gone for two and back on 10/10. It may get done while I am gone but everybody knows what they are doing and we've covered all our bases. (I hope) Take Care, John Wooley |
Article in the Marin Independent Journal, Tues. Nov. 21, 2006 - by Mark Prado Gives the impression that: 1. Residents on Panoramic Hwy. are resigned to increased traffic due to the Closure of Shoreline Hwy. #1 and detour/alternate use of Panoramic Hwy. , w/o safeguards: Would you be? Presently there is a lack and need to install signage[that residents are backing out onto roadway]benefiting both drivers and residents of Panoramic Hwy. that back out of their driveways onto Panoramic Hwy. Signs requiring safer speed limits, an accident due to high speed, would stop all traffic on Panoramic. Emergency vehicles would occupy both lanes, for cleanup, as such the only access No. to Shoreline Hwy. #1 and So. to 101, would be closed.. More Turnouts would be helpful, there are a no. of less than sufficient in length and depth, for Hwy. standards and regulations, that should be improved by resurfacing, during this detour emergency. Let me remind, there is no alternate for four mos., Shoreline Hwy. #1 Closure.. 2..Detour Signage, is sufficient, for continuation of commerce No. of Detour. It is not, the signage should be changed to reflect the 1/2 Mile Detour, which is the actual difference in mileage, of Panoramic versus Shoreline Hwy. #1. 3. This is the slow season for all businesses in SW Marin, to the contrary, this is the high season, for many businesses in SW Marin: the overnight accommodations industry of Muir Beach, Stinson Beach, Bolinas, No. West Marin, see an increase in foreign travelers[taking advantage of the incentive rates offered by the motels, B&B's, & Inns - very vulnerable to confusing media releases of Closure and Cal Trans Detour Signage ], this is their vacation period as well as that of domestic summer employees of summer sports and National/State Parks[for example an only summer sport such as white water staff and employees], tour guides, national and state parks summer employees/staff, before snow season employees of ski resorts. This the season for Elephant Seal, Whale, Tule Elk, Bird Species[Audobon Society, British Royal Birdwatching Society, Scientists studying migratory patterns of migratory birds, Environmentalists studying decline of individual bird species] , Coho Salmon and the many species of animals and sea life that abound in our forests, beaches and sea, enthusiasts/watchers/ scientists/ naturalists/ environmentalists who seek shelter amidst our overnight accommodations industry and sustenance from our eateries, restaurants and grocery stores here in SW Marin. Thriving in abundance during this period of affordable accommodations and plenty of parking due to an absence of beach goers and absentee home owners: Commercial and Residential Contractors[roofers, interior and exterior specialists, home builders, re modelers, plumbers, electricians, painters, carpet installers, storm and disaster special workers] ; Cal Trans employees as well as related contractors doing Shoreline Hwy. #1 Improvements; contract employees installing the emergency transmission tower on the Bolinas Ridge for benefit of coordinating Disaster Related Agencies responding to earthquakes-Fires-Tsunami-Flood emergencies. Winter Sports Businesses[Pt. Reyes Kayak Tours] such as Kayak [Kayak and Bike Rental Specialty Businesses, Kayak Tours, Hiking and Running enterprises[ex. Enviro-sports of Stinson, Hike w Llamas Tours], Hanglider enthusiasts and Tandem Hanglider flight enterprises. Last but not least, seniors and other age groups, no longer interested in the Ski Slopes due to age/accidental/choice inspired physical handicaps or preference to enjoy the Coast Outdoors-watch the waves, run in the surf, enjoy the scenery-unimpeded by loads of people and motorized traffic vehicles, articulate in artistry or photography, nature for pleasure or profit... 4. Contrast: Year Around Family Owned and Managed businesses with live-in help that depend on the winter and spring season to continue vs. Summer Oriented Businesses with hired help few if any live-ins, that can financially survive until the next summer.. the reportage of this article gave the summer oriented viewpoint. Harken to the section that covered the Pelican Inn, Katinka Mckay, general Manager of the Pelican, said," There seems to be a bit of confusion out there in some of the media reports, We can see there are fewer people here today"..That is the general misgiving of the housing and food vendors of SW Marin." We want to survive, as a viable business enterprise, The Closure of Shoreline Hwy. #1, during the 4 mos. of Repair", quote Margaret Clayton, proprietor of the Redwoods Haus-Beach, Bed and Breakfast in Stinson Beach. Please ask the opinion of other merchants in the SW Marin Area, who live and work full time, have no reduced winter hours, as well as carry live-ins at their business enterprises, of whether or not they expect full occupancy or patronage during this period of Closure, it is always high season in SW Marin: the Stinson Beach Motel, the Sandpiper Motel, the Ocean Court Motel, The Stinson Beach Market, the Parkside Restaurant, the Stinson Beach Grill, the Coast Cafe and Blue Heron of Bolinas, The Bolinas Market, Stinson Beach Health Club, Odyssey Video of Stinson and Bolinas, Live Water Surf Shop, etc. 6. That the business community of SW Marin is are happy and content, with the media coverageof the Shoreline Hwy. #1 Closure, no we are not. We need media support, not arbitrary independent opinion sampling of the uninformed and sensationalism that creates confusion with potential clientele and long time patronage of the affected businesses and enterprises of SW Marin impacted by the Closure of Shoreline Hwy. #1.. Representing the Interests and Consensus of the Business Community of SW Marin, impacted by the Closure of Shoreline Hwy. #1 for 4 mos. due to the need for Repairs on the Roadway. John Posadas, Stinson Beach Chamber of Commerce, <> ., 415 868-1330, See the Stinson Beach Community Network, <> in cooperation with the Redwoods Haus-Beach, Bed and Breakfast in Stinson Beach 94970, <> , 415 868-9828, proprietor Margaret Clayton..Please send your comments and additions to this response of media inaccuracy/critique to the SBCCommerce, |
“Friends of Easkoot Creek” Suggestions filled out in a survey which will be given to CalTrans, the Federal Government and the Media from their community -Regarding the closing of Highway One. The flood advisory board has completely ignored questions regarding our ability to hold a local meeting without county staff, the responsibilities of the Flood Advisory Board, etc. Supervisor Kinsey is making calls this next Monday, to a no. of advocates for action on this matter, in the flood affected community of Stinson Beach..Due to his realization of the urgency, that this is a health as well as property threat. If you have a few minutes could you please make a call or drop an email asking for a meeting to be called to: or 415-499-6000 In the communications, put forth by Flood Affected-Friends of Easkoot Creek, the need for the meeting includes: a) our flood advisory board was defunct for over 10 years and so we have many years of neglect to catch up on. This includes discontinuation of creek cleanout that stopped in 1997. b) our flood advisory board has not passed on information to the community about items such as cleaning out the creek, FEMA applications being put out to people in the community for raising houses, or discussions that are starting between the Federal Park and the County. Many houses that should have been eligible to be raised were bypassed. Reasons unknown. c) our flood advisory board is not representing our interests by not communicating the Zones desire to pursue a diversion channel. No member of the Board stated the boards position when public comments were requested. d) no one is protesting that the Arenal Bridge did not get cleaned out with the others. The Arenal Bridge will flood the Parkside and everything around it. It will also flow through the GGNRA parking lot and into Calle Del Pinos. e) we need a health and safety plan if flooding occurs again. Emergency Services to the Calle's, Patios and Seadrift and town in a flood situation. Water Lines cross under the bridges and could be easily washed out. Emergency Workers will be exposed to hazards if septics overflow again, how to avoid this. Both Fire Stations are located on Easkoot Creek and much more. Please take a moment to hit on the ones that you feel are the most important and send your concerns to Supervisor Kinsey by Monday afternoon. This may be a good opportunity to get something to happen. PLEASE HELP. I'll send more detail later, but want to alert you to a meeting that is occurring on Monday November 13. There is an Executive Board Meeting for the Bolinas Lagoon Project on November 13. The purpose appears to be to summarize comments made at the meeting many attended in Bolinas, solicit other input and talk about process. Here's the link to the agenda: A couple of you said you'd try to attend, and I think it's important we have some representation at this meeting on top of our previous public comments. Please try to make it if you can. The location is: Friends of Marin Room, Marin Center Exhibit Hall, Avenue of the Flags, San Rafael. Thank, Friends of Easkoot Creek |
Letter of Thanks from John Posadas, November 27, 2006 Bob, wanted to say thanks, for all the media coverage of All Points No., via Panoramic Hwy. Ha! Ha! Great coverage on the signs for Stinson, at Shoreline Hwy. #1 and Panoramic[So. Intersection] thanks, keeps the good times rolling down here at the Beach. Katrinka Mckay, has an issue with the signage on Shoreline Hwy. #1, no. of the intersection of Muir Woods Road and Shoreline Hwy. #1, it is confusing and unnecessary, contact her for specifics.. Sam Temer, wants inclusion of 1/2 mile detour on signage at Shoreline Hwy. #1 and Panoramic Hwy., So. Intersection... Continuing-----.But, traffic has backed off..due to the closure news sensationalism, confusion, or the instilled media impression that, "we don't need the business since we are in our slow season", as well as the random rain and cold.. Also, sorry about the changing priorities in my emails of the Talking Points, I have more than one area of allegiance: the SBCCommerce, 415 868-1330 -representing overall business interests in SW Marin( need for continuation of business as usual during Closure, media references for high season vs. slow season; the Stinson Beach Village Association TrafficCommittee [slowdown and backup driveway warning signs on Panoramic Hwy. also signage and thresholds for Dipsea Trailhead on Panoramic and Shoreline Hwy. #1, creation of walkways and bikeways along Shoreline Hwy. #1 in Muir Beach and in Stinson Beach on the west side between the Belvedere Fire Station and the No. Intersection of Panoramic and Shoreline Hwy. #1 , diversion of bike traffic from Panoramic during period of closure/detour, paving non-standard turnouts on Panoramic Hwy., signage and threshold for the Dipsea Trailhead on Panoramic and Shoreline Hwy. #1, ----------- to favor smooth traffic flow during/after this emergency]; the Stinson Beach Fire Dept.-Caution Signage, battery or electric operated-so. and no. of the Belvedere Ave. Station; the Stinson Beach Community Network Site 415 868-1330 for the purpose of public exposure for future commercialization as a uptodate reliable roster of issues affecting lifestyle and commerce in SW Marin... ; the Redwoods Haus-Beach, Bed and Breakfast, 415 868-9828 for their financial and physical support of the SBCCommerce..; Seventh World, financial and creative support/ webdesigner, of the above websites, whose goal is to keep for posterity the pristine quality of life, here in SW and West Marin. ---Thanks from all of Us, for your continued dedication, attention to detail, support-above the call of duty,of the needs of the communities bordering Shoreline Hwy. #1 in SW Marin, for Cal Trans. ..Happy Holidays... John Posadas, SBCCommerce... |
Repairs on Shoreline Highway 1, Mid-Sept through Dec 2006 Cal Trans will be making much needed repairs on the sections of Shoreline Hwy. #1 from Stinson Beach to Slide Ranch/ Green Gulch Zen Center to South-East Intersection of Shoreline Hwy. 1 and Panoramic Hwy beginning Mid-September[possibly at end of Sept.]- December. Access to GreenGulch and the Pelican Inn will be via Panoramic to Muir Woods Road to Shoreline Hwy. #1. -----John Posadas, Stinson Beach Chamber of Commerce 415 868-1330 Stinson Beach Village Association Traffic Committee Meeting Saturday. Sept. 23rd,2006 9:30.A.M. Bob Haus-Cal Trans Public Information Officer, will appear before the Stinson Beach Water District Board this month, in order to make the public announcement, answer questions and comments on this project, to all in attendance. This S.B.W.D. Board meeting will be chaired by Scott Tye, applications for candidates to fill vacated S.B.W.D. Board will be accepted until next Friday, also, job applications for open position formerly held by Richard Dingiss are are available at Stinson Beach Water District Bldg. There have been a no. of comments made since this bulletin went out, as to the traffic signs and singlelane improvements on Shoreline Hwy. #1, bolstering confidence that Shoreline Hwy. #1 would remain open, during this multiple[10 separate improvements to roadway]construction-shoring/repair project period, be at the meeting or contact, Bob Haus, Public Info. Officer for Cal Trans directly, for clarification. Businesses affected by the closure, can remain confident that, Commerce will continue uninterrupted, via Panoramic Hwy. and Muir Woods Road, Sir Francis Drake Blvd.West; Lucas Valley Road West; Petaluma Valley Road West. to Shoreline Hwy.#1- No. and So. What is most important to business owners is for them to individually or through public participation, the media, positive signage at key locations [Shoreline Hwy.#1 and Sir Francis Drake at Olema, the Southern and Northern Intersecitons of Panoramic and Shoreline Hwy. #1, the intersection of Panoramic Hwy. and Muir Woods Road, Muir Woods Road and Shoreline Hwy. #1, Cal Trans Digital Readout Signs strategically located w positive and nonconfusing directions] to get out that message, Business as Usual-----if those methods are not sufficient then a general meeting can be coordinated by the Stinson Beach Chamber of Commerce with all those affected by the closure and our local Supervisor Kinsey as well as: Point Reyes Public Info. Officer Dell'Osso; GGNRA; Mt Tam State Park; Democratic State Assembly Candidate Jared Huffman; Stinson Beach Fire Chief -Ken Stevens; MCFD; MCSD: to mete out solutions and take positive action to further our mutual needs for continuation of commerce and the steady flow of traffic in SW and NW West Marin...Please pass on this adjusted bulletin to any and all businesses and individuals impacted by the impending closure for the retrofit of Shorline Hwy. #1. ------ Stinson Beach Chamber of Commerce, see the Stinson Beach Community Network Site at for continued updates and past history of Shoreline Hwy. #1 Closures for Repairs and SW Commerce Response... |
The Need to clear debris and build retaining walls at EASKOOT Creek Landside |
David Boyd, Senior Enviromental Scientist, Calif. State Parks, North Bay District, P.O. Box 1016, Novato Ca. 94948, phone 898-1213, cell 415 706-0448, fax 415 898-1213. Dear Dave, I am asking you in the name of the inhabitants of the flood plain bordering Easkoot Creek, why and what is going on, in order not to repeat the experience of last years flooding. There has been no dredging of the creek, whose creek bottom raised up to 5' in areas, resulting in the flooding of many residences in the Pradero and Pinos Streets of Stinson Beach. There has been no removal of debris from the Landslide onto Easkoot Creek, from Tamalpais State Parkland, nor any shoring of that landslide, to prevent further debris from entering the creek, further raising the creek bed downstream, that could increase the likelihood of further flooding of more residences, businesses and a worst scenario of the loss the the Easkoot Bridge, spanning Shoreline Hwy. #1 at Belvedere. If the Bridge should be impacted by the accumulation of debris as well as the rising of the creek bed, enough to fill its interior throughfare, it would become a dam, flooding the Disaster Emergency Response sthe Stinson Beach Volunteer Fire Department Building as well as erode the adjacent earthen and rock banks, ultimately leading to the erosion of the East Commercial Area of Shoreline Hwy. #1[Healing Arts Center, S.B.Medical Clinic, S.B. Chiropractic Clinic, S.B. Bookstore, Stinson Beach Grill, both Village Green Parks, the Post Office Complex and the Shakespeare at Shakespeare Grounds], as well as imperil the Redwoods Haus-Beach, Bed and Breakfast on #1 Belvedere and Shoreline Hwy., the Stinson Beach Motel, Starbucks Salon Bldg., Live Water Surf Shop Bldg., Sandollar Restaurant, Oceanic Realty, Meristem Florist, Fire Chief Ken Stevens Residence, Many Villages Emporium, Stinson Beach Market, as well as other residences located on the West End of Shoreline Hwy. that is the Southern Area of Commercial in Stinson, the No. East Section of Commercial and Residential also is in peril.. To be included in the Fema and Ca. State Remedy of after flood mitigation, being allowed to raise the aforementioned on piers, is not feasible, in a commerical enviroment[raise firehouse? the medical center?], not a solution to our beloved Community's needs. A much simpler method is to remove the offensive material, stop the talking, get down and do the right thing, discount the impact on the polywogs/fingerlings, they can be placed by volunteer enviromentalists in holding pens [this is a fish friendly period of the year] until the project is completed before the rains begin. The affected past flood victims and the potential flood residents of Stinson Beach as well as SW Marin and NW Marin who have similar flood related potential and experience, invite you to reply to this plea, to insure that our livelihoods, homes and businesses will not be negatively impacted by a repitition of last yrs. floods due to preventitive measure that can be carried out forthwith by the State, Federal and County Agencies that are there to protect us from floods, lets not repeat the New Orleans Experience. Your response will be posted, to the Stinson Beach Community Network Site, John Posadas, 415 868-1330. There is a need to address the business community of Stinson and SW/NW Marin, a meeting to be scheduled by the Stinson Beach Flood Advisory Board, may address that need, otherwise, there may be a meeting called by the Stinson Beach Flood Victims of 2005 themselves, at which, you will be invited to address. |
See Archived Community items |